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Looking for a new job? Start here at The Library.

Even during these times of social distancing, The Library continues to be a great place to begin your search for a new job or a new career.

Here are a few of the ways The Library can help you remotely:

1. Access to eBooks/eAudiobooks: Many books about careers, creating résumés, and performing well during job interviews are available as eBooks that can be viewed or listened to remotely. Visit www.dcls.org/ebooks to search Overdrive, Hoopla, or EBSCO eBooks.

Want a quick way to see a list of all the eBooks/eAudiobooks on this topic in our collection? Start by performing a catalog search using a relevant search term and then selecting the “online” facet (left side of screen) to refine your search. Here is an example of some results that a search for eBooks on résumé writing yielded:

Job help center

2. Job Help Center: Visit www.dcls.org/jhc to view The Library’s Job Help Center webpage. It provides a selection of website links for online resources that can aid you in your quest for a new job. On this page, you will find resources for job hunting, résumé writing, interviewing, and so much more.

Job help center

3. Job Skill Training and Test Preparation Resources: The Learning Express Library database provides a Career Preparation module that you can use to explore careers, improve job searching and workplace skills, and prepare to take career-related exams (civil service exams, nursing school entrance tests, and the like).  Find the Learning Express Library link under Research at www.dcls.org/databases.

Job Skill Training

4. Resources to help you research companies:  Reference USA is an up-to-date business directory that supplies both business and residential data. It can be used to locate company information, find jobs, and research market trends. Reference USA can be accessed remotely by logging onto www.dcls.org/databases and clicking on the provided link.

Company Research

5. Internet access via free Wi-Fi / 1-hour public computer use: Public access to The Library’s Wi-Fi will continues to be available in The Library’s parking lots. One-hour sessions on The Library’s public computers are available in the library branches currently open. To learn more, click here.


6. Ask A Librarian service:  Information services professionals are available to answer questions or make referrals. Email or text your questions to askalibrarian@dcls.org (or submit them using the online form. An image of this form follows.)

Ask a librarian

These online services and databases are wonderful resources that can help you successfully re-establish your career. Remote access to them has been especially useful during these times of social distancing. I encourage you to start your search for your next job here at The Library.