The library will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Suggest a Purchase

If you would like to suggest a purchase to add to The Library’s collection, please fill out the form below. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Have you checked the catalog? If you find an available copy, you can borrow it.
View e-book or e-audiobook purchase suggestions >

* Required Fields

The Library welcomes purchase suggestions for electronic titles such as e-books and e-audiobooks through OverDrive.  Because of the cost of electronic titles and the number of requests The Library receives, we must limit these requests to 1 request per month, per member barcode.  To suggest an e-book or e-audiobook title, click here to go to the OverDrive website.  Be sure and log-in to your OverDrive account so you can recommend a title.  Once logged in, go to the bottom of the screen and on your left will be a link to Recommendations.  Or if you access OverDrive through the Libby app, use your Libby app to make a title recommendation.  Please do not use the Suggest A Purchase form to make a request for electronic titles.  Requests for electronic titles coming through the Suggest A Purchase form will be cancelled.

The Library also offers electronic products through Hoopla.  The Hoopla electronic collection is created by Hoopla based on the licensing agreements they negotiate with authors, publishers, producers, and artists.  Because only Hoopla knows what they can and cannot negotiate, user recommendations cannot be taken.”