
By M. Diane McCormick 

Karen Love’s parents were always reading. 

“My father would come to school and read in my classroom,” she said. “My mother was involved in reading. Reading at the library, reading in the schools. Reading was a big part of their lives.” 

As she grew up in Harrisburg, Karen Love and her parents were frequent patrons of Kline Library. Now, the same Library she frequented as a child has a new name: George & Hettie Love Memorial Library.  

Love’s father died in 2014, and her mother died at age 100 in 2023. Karen Love continues their combined legacy as a reading advocate, collaborating with The Library through the Super Cool Book Lovers Club and the American Literacy Corp. to share the love of reading around the community.  

“That love of reading, that love of books, it’s a wonderful name to give to the library because we want everybody to love reading,” she said. 

What would your parents think about the changes in today’s libraries and the access to information in many forms?  

It’s another wonderful opportunity for people in the communities to use the computers and see all the different upgrades and uses for The Library. Having toured The Library that’s going to be named after my mom and dad, it was just amazing to see all the resources available to people. The organization, the cheerfulness, and the access to resources are phenomenal. 

What most impressed you on that tour?  

They have upgraded the children’s area and the furniture. They’ve made little areas where people can talk and discuss things. I love the fact that the computers are there and are well utilized. The conference room is lovely. I love the quilt that the African American Quilters Gathering contributed, which has banned book titles.  

What does the legacy of your parents mean to you? 

I was so blessed to have them for so many years and to see their impact on other people’s lives. I had to share my parents because what they did for others was so meaningful. I’m just happy that future generations may get a chance to learn about them and learn from their example. 

The photo of your parents that accompanies The Library’s announcement of the name change is charming. Did you choose it? 

I sent a variety of pictures. That one captivates me because it’s young love, but it’s also about the joy in their faces, and I think that’s what people know them by. They were always pleasant, accommodating, and encouraging. It’s one of those pictures that makes you smile when you look at it.