
Next Saturday (May 5th) the Kline Library is hosting a tournament for Settlers of Catan! To get you excited about the board game, our Kline Library branch Librarian, Michael, has graciously prepared a primer. EVEN IF you don’t read this post in its entirety, the tournament is open to all levels of gamers.


settlers of catan playing board


Learning to play CATAN™ is equal parts fun and challenge. The board is made of hexagonal pieces depicting natural features – mountains, hills, forests, fields, and pasture.


geographic tiles with their resources
<em>Catan geographic tiles and associated resources. Image taken from Settlers of Catan Game Rules &amp; Almanac.</em>


These produce associated resources when the number on that space is rolled by any player on their turn.


This is why each player’s initial settlement placement is important: when each player gets 2 settlements and 2 roads to place on the board, they place those settlements and roads at the intersections they think will allow them the best chances to win.


settlement piece
<em>"Settlement" piece in Catan.</em>


catan road
<em>"Road" piece in Catan.</em>


Each player gets a set of the neighboring resources at the start of their turn.


On their turn, any player has the following options:


OPTION #1: Move the Robber to a new space of your choice if you roll a 7 (in any combination). The new space will not produce resources until another 7 is rolled and the Robber is moved again. Unfortunately, any player that has more than 7 cards in their hand must return half (their choice) to the bank. Then the player can take a resource card from an opponent who has a city or settlement bordering the robber’s new location.


robber piece


OPTION #2: Collect resources produced that turn. Combinations of these can be used to build roads and cities. The longest road at the end of the game earns 2 victory points. Cities are also worth 2 points.


road piece
<em>"Road" piece in Catan.</em>


city piece
<em>"City" piece in Catan.</em>


OPTION #3: Purchase a Development card, which varies in their benefits. The player holding it must abide by its requirements if they choose to play it on their next turn. There are 3 types of development cards available:

               #1 – Knight: A player with 3 or more Knight cards gets a card indicating Largest Army (worth 2 victory points). But each Knight card forces the player to again move the Robber…

               #2 – Progress: The benefit from any of these cards can vary. Play it, follow its instructions, then remove from play.

               #3 – Victory Points: These are only laid down at the end of the game – to win with 10 points, or after another player wins – but they can be played in the same turn they are bought


knight card
<em>Purple frame = knight</em>


progress card
<em>Green frame = progress</em>


victory card
<em>Orange frame = victory</em>


OPTION #4: Offer to trade resources with another player, or exchange at a 4:1 ratio with the bank. (Building a settlement at a port gives you a better exchange rate, but the location limits your ability to collect produced resources.)

OPTION #5: Build and expand. Grow your settlement to a city or lengthen your road (which cannot be duplicated or crossed by another player). A longer road also lets you establish new settlements.


The game challenge is the strategy of settlement placement and the timing of your developments. An opponent growing their neighboring settlement can force you to change priorities.


people playing catan


If you’re a long-time CATAN™ player, or even a newer one just learning the game, join us at the Kline Library on May 5 for our inaugural friendly tournament at the Library. At the very least, you’ll just have fun with the other players and get to know a great game in the process!


people playing catan



And, if that doesn’t convince you, check out this awesome game trailer:


link to catan game trailer