
By: Mars Bourke

Ray Holland

Ray Holland, local United Church of Christ pastor, has worked for The Dauphin County Library System for 10 years. Holland will be headlining The Library’s Holiday Music program this December, showcasing songs on his mountain dulcimer, a unique stringed instrument originating from the Appalachian region of the United States. He has become a titular part of the Holiday Music program while the program itself has been a December staple for DCLS’s upper county locations.

Holland will be playing at two shows in upper Dauphin County during the first two weeks of December where all are free to join and listen.

How long have you been participating in the Holiday Music program at The Library.

It was pretty early when I started working at The Library when I started doing the Holiday Music program. I played for Northen Dauphin for the first time in 2014, which was actually the year I started at The Library, and have been playing every year since.

What inspired you to learn to play the mountain dulcimer?

Well, I am classically trained on the oboe and English horn. I needed something quiet to play at home when I had a young family, and I learned about the mountain dulcimer. I eventually had an opportunity to buy one and have been playing ever since. I’ve been playing the dulcimer since October 1990, so about 34 years.

What are some of your favorite songs to play?

Be Thou My Vision is one of my favorites. The Skye Boat Song, also known as The Isle of Skye in Scotland, and the song Ash Grove are also some of my favorites to play.

Do you feel that music brings people together, like through the Holiday Music program?

Music transcends our spoken languages. It transcends social and political differences. I remember being in South Korea back in 2002 and although they spoke quite a bit of English, I hardly spoke any Korean. But when I started playing music, we were all able to enjoy it together, despite our different languages. I’ve also played at nursing homes for many years where I have seen a similar connection.

If you are interested in hearing Ray Holland play this December, then please visit the Dauphin County Library System’s event page to see the times and locations. Come, relax, and enjoy the melodies with all of us this winter.