The Library's Fees
Paying by Credit Card

Pay your fines at fees by logging into your library account at home or in the library.
1) Click on the Fines/Fees link

A box will pop-up displaying the amount of your fine.
Note: partial payment is not possible at this time.
2) Click the Pay Online button
3) Type your personal information into the secure form and then click submit
4) You will receive a confirmation that your payment was successful.
Library Card
If you cannot find your library card, please contact us immediately. A staff member will deactivate the lost card right away to prevent unauthorized use. To receive a replacement card you will need to visit us at one of our eight library locations with photo identification and we can issue you a new card right away. There is a $2 fee to replace lost cards.
Internet and Computer Printout Fees
- 20¢ per black and white page. 30¢ per 2-sided print.
- 50¢ per color page. 80¢ per 2-sided print
Copier Fees
- 20¢ per black and white page per side.
- 50¢ per color page per side
Overdue fines
- The Library System has recently gone “fine-free,’’ extending a no late-fee policy enacted at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and joining libraries across the country to end a practice that can be a barrier to access.
- Although The Library no longer charges its members late fees, in order for us to continue this practice we would appreciate it if you would either renew or return your borrowed items by the due dates. Replacement fees will be added to your account for lost items.
- If more than $10 is owed, borrowing privileges will be suspended.
- A bill for lost items is sent to you when your items are 45 days overdue. That bill will include a billing fee for each item. *If we can‘t reach you by phone after the 3 day calling period, you will receive a print notice by default.
Item Fees for Damaged or Lost Materials
- Borrowers are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged library materials.
- A billing fee of up to $11 will be added for each lost item.
- A cost of up to $8 will be charged for missing pieces from sets or kits..
Interlibrary Loan
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