The Library will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observation of Labor Day. Regular hours resume on Tuesday, September 3rd!


2015 DCLS Impact Report


Impact Report Header  

View a PDF of The Library’s 2015 Impact Report > 

At The Library, answering your questions and strengthening the community is what we do. Here are some of the key questions and answers you might have about library service in 2015. 


How many times did The Library connect people with the information they needed? 

items delivered

Did you know that in addition to books, magazines, eBooks and music CDs, you can borrow a Kill A Watt electricity usage monitor or a pedometer at The Library? And you can stream music and books as well!









How often did the public use The Library’s free computers and internet services?

How often computers used

• 151,094 Public Computer Sessions
• 16,218 Wi-Fi Sessions
• 108,976 Hours of Computer Use

There are 156 public access computers among the 8 libraries. People use these for everything from applying for jobs to setting up a social media account to stay in touch with their grandchildren.

Everyone needs access to information to support lifelong learning and in the digital age access to the Internet is key. But less than half of the households earning $25,000 or less have internet access and only 69% of those earning $50,000 or less do. The Library is often the only place these individuals can go to access the information they need. For example, 79% of job hunters in the last two years utilized online resources in their most recent search.




How often did The Library serve as a connecting hub for our community? 

connecting hub“…thank you for helping us at the last minute. Our campers really enjoyed the library program and craft you did with them! When we start planning Camp Smiles @ Grace for next year, we will be in touch with you.” – Camp Smiles 

The Library is committed to giving all our community’s children the best start possible. “From the time of conception to the first day of kindergarten, a person’s brain development proceeds at a faster pace than it will at any other stage of life. 




Child DrawingHow many preschool children were better prepared for school because of The Library?

22,278 Children and their adults at early learning programs
 6,206 Children received a book to keep
• 27,190 Children reached through library outreach
• 176 Children read to a service dog as part of Paws 2 Read


View information on Children’s programming >




How often did our community members access The Library?

online access














How often were library staff able to answer people’s questions?

library staff95,739 Reference Questions Answered

Top reference Questions:

1. Language learning
2. Genealogy
3. History
4. Literature
5. Consumer Research–products
6. Local Government
7. Suggest a Book
8. Database Demos
9. Medical Resources









Who has library cards in our community?

who has library cards

Get a library card of your own today! >



How many children kept on learning over the summer?

4,430 Children registered for the summer reading club
13,740 Children and adults attended summer programs



How do volunteers help the community at The Library?

• Types of activities:
• Shelf reading
• Board service
• Pulling holds for delivery
• Guest reader at children’s programs
• Preparing kindergarten bags
• Assisting public with computer questions
• And more!

8,778 Volunteer hours of service

“It’s a way to enrich yourself, it’s a way to give back to the community…I love coming here.” ~Terry Tandelmyer, Volunteer




View the library income / expense report > 




2015 Summer Reading Club





What The Library does for the community






Thank you to our donors and supporters for making such a positive impact!

 Thank you donors



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