
Hector Ortiz

Dr. Hector Ortiz is a lifetime patron of libraries. 

“I used the library as a place to study,” he said. “It’s something that is a treasure.” 

It’s a treasure, he adds, that more people should know about. That’s why he partners with The Library to raise awareness. The longtime Library supporter is an academic, diversity officer, and communications consultant. His role as a leader of central Pennsylvania’s Hispanic community includes founding Estamos Unidos de PA.   

At The Library’s invitation last year, Ortiz began facilitating the Spanish Language Conversation Group, held virtually on the second Wednesday of most months and, to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in October, in person at Alexander Family Library. 

How did your partnerships with The Library begin?

Many years ago, the Latino Professional Association began supporting Kline Library. We provided bilingual books in order to allow a greater number and type of books for people who speak a language other than English, which in this case was Spanish.  

What is the goal of the Spanish Language Conversation Group?

We explore opportunities to have conversations in Spanish and at the same time talk about different topics. We talk about life experiences, about diversity, about how people from different communities interpret life in different ways at the same time that you are talking the language you are practicing.  

Have you had a favorite topic?

We talk about traveling and knowing the world and discovering how many things the world can offer. We explore how diverse foods, diverse climates, and diverse places can help us understand the differences we have.  

What else have you done in partnership with The Library?

Estamos Unidos de PA has made sure that those who are bilinguals had access to resources and keep the language. We understand that English is fundamentally important, and we pursue any way we can to provide an opportunity to learn English, but at the same time we ask people to maintain the culture and the language because being bilingual is much better than knowing just one language.  

How does The Library leverage your work?

The Library is open to anyone. They can visit in person, or they can visit electronically. That offers opportunities to access The Library’s resources. They can read literature and use applications that teach many languages. Also, The Library has open spaces to hold meetings. That space is important for the community to be able to visit The Library and participate in Library programs.  

It’s getting up to date. The many ways that people communicate now includes the virtual. The Library has an opportunity to see how they can connect with many diverse individuals. Maybe they can showcase what they have, not just in person, which is good, but also connect with other communities in a virtual way.